9급 국가직 공무원 영어(2023. 4. 8.) 시험일자 : 2023년 4월 8일

1. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.
  • ① nosy
  • ② close
  • ③ outgoing
  • ④ considerate

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2. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.
  • ① rapid
  • ② constant
  • ③ significant
  • ④ intermittent

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3. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.
  • ① elaborate
  • ② release
  • ③ modify
  • ④ suspend

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4. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.
  • ① accept
  • ② report
  • ③ postpone
  • ④ announce

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5. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?
  • ① ①
  • ② ②
  • ③ ③
  • ④ ④

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6. 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?
  • ① All assignments are expected to be turned in on time.
  • ② Hardly had I closed my eyes when I began to think of her.
  • ③ The broker recommended that she buy the stocks immediately.
  • ④ A woman with the tip of a pencil stuck in her head has finally had it remove.

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7. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?
  • ① 내 고양이 나이는 그의 고양이 나이의 세 배이다.→My cat is three times as old as his.
  • ② 우리는 그 일을 이번 달 말까지 끝내야 한다.→We have to finish the work until the end of this month.
  • ③ 그녀는 이틀에 한 번 머리를 감는다.→She washes her hair every other day.
  • ④ 너는 비가 올 경우에 대비하여 우산을 갖고 가는 게 낫겠다.→You had better take an umbrella in case it rains.

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8. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
  • ① A majority of Americans are not getting enough choline.
  • ② Choline is an essential nutrient required for brain development.
  • ③ Foods such as liver and lima beans are good sources of choline.
  • ④ The importance of choline has been stressed since the late '90s in the U.S.

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9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
  • ① The number of coffeehouses was smaller than that of any other business.
  • ② Customers were not allowed to stay for more than an hour in a coffeehouse.
  • ③ Religious people didn't get together in a coffeehouse to chat.
  • ④ One could converse even with unknown tablemates in a coffeehouse.

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10. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
  • ① I don't buy it.
  • ② It's too pricey.
  • ③ I can't help you out.
  • ④ Believe it or not, it's true.

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11. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
  • ① This is the map that your client needs. Here you go.
  • ② A guided tour to the river park. It takes all afternoon.
  • ③ You should check it out as soon as possible.
  • ④ The checkout time is three o'clock.

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12. 두 사람의 대화 중 자연스럽지 않은 것은?
  • ① A: He's finally in a hit movie!B: Well, he's got it made.
  • ② A: I'm getting a little tired now.B: Let's call it a day.
  • ③ A: The kids are going to a birthday party.B: So, it was a piece of cake.
  • ④ A: I wonder why he went home early yesterday.B: I think he was under the weather.

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13. 다음 글의 제목으로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① How Do Wild Animals Think and Feel?
  • ② Communicating Effectively Is the Secret to Success
  • ③ Nonverbal Communication Speaks Louder than Words
  • ④ Verbal Cues: The Primary Tools for Expressing Feelings

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14. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① building a healthy attitude toward possessions
  • ② learning the value of sharing toys with others
  • ③ teaching how to arrange toys in an orderly manner
  • ④ accepting responsibility for behaving in undesirable ways

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15. 다음 글의 요지로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① Frequent praises increase self-esteem of children.
  • ② Compliments on intelligence bring about negative effect.
  • ③ A child should overcome fear of failure through success.
  • ④ Parents should focus on the outcome rather than the process.

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16. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① experimental
  • ② uniform
  • ③ localized
  • ④ diverse

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17. 다음 글의 흐름상 어색한 문장은?
  • ① ①
  • ② ②
  • ③ ③
  • ④ ④

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18. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① ①
  • ② ②
  • ③ ③
  • ④ ④

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19. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① (A)-(B)-(C)
  • ② (B)-(A)-(C)
  • ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
  • ④ (C)-(A)-(B)

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20. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
  • ① from a unified perspective
  • ② in dynamic aspects
  • ③ throughout history
  • ④ with accurate evidence

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